Reverse Gingival Recession: Strategies for Restoring Gum Health

4 Surprising Ways to Reverse Gingival Recession – Receding Gums

Dr. John Hauswirth has been treating gingival recession—also known as gum recession—for more than 30 years. The dentist believes it’s one of the most common causes of tooth loss and gum infection in a patient and that it can be reversed with simple home care. In this article we will discuss how we can reverse gingival recession at home.

Understanding Gingival Recession

To understand what gingivitis recession is, we first need to understand the anatomy of the gums and teeth. The gums are located on bottom of the teeth and form a soft tissue over the roots of teeth. Healthy gingiva is pink, translucent, and free of disease.

What Exactly is Gingivitis Recession?

Gingivitis is the first stage in the development of gingival recession. Once the periodontal ligament and the gingiva are affected, the pocket depths increase, making the tooth more susceptible to periodontal disease. As recession progresses in a patient, the tissues that support the roots of teeth become inflamed and damaged. When this happens, the gum begins to recede and expose the tooth root surface, and it becomes difficult for the tooth to remain in place. If it progresses to its peak, the patient must go through cosmetic dentistry like dental implants.

Major Causes of Gum Recession

It’s not unusual to see a patient with gum recession or periodontal disease—even though the condition is easily treatable. But what many people don’t realize is that there are several other root causes of gingivitis and periodontal disease, including the following:

Tobacco Use

One of the most common reasons for gums recession is tobacco use. If the patient is a smoker, the gums and root surface of teeth are exposed to the damaging effects of nicotine. The patient can also get gum disease. The bacteria that live in the mouth and on teeth will grow and multiply if they aren’t treated by regular oral hygiene.

Smoking also the risk of periodontal disease because it irritates the gums. Smoking can damage the gums by causing bleeding in the mouth. This leads to tissue inflammation and eventually to the formation of pockets. Eventually, bacteria may get into the pockets and cause receding gums.

reasons for gingival recession is tobacco use

Hormonal Changes

This is the second psychology principle on the list, and it’s probably most well known amongst dentists and periodontists. People often talk about “hormonal imbalance,” but the science isn’t clear on what that means. In some patients, hormonal levels are elevated to result in excess collagen production by the gingival tissues. In others, the balance of hormones is disrupted and results in collagen breakdown. The result? Gum recession.


The biggest cause of gum recession, periodontal disease, is often linked to patient diabetes. The diabetic’s mouth tends to be drier than normal, meaning less saliva to help neutralize plaque and keep it from forming. Also, due to their dry mouth, people with diabetes have an increased risk of getting gum line cavities and gum disease like receding gums. This makes it difficult to clean the teeth properly, leading to receding gum. Another big problem for people with diabetes is not following proper oral hygiene habits. You need to consult a dentist if you have diabetes.

Diabetes cause of gingival recession

Oral Hygiene

When it comes to periodontal disease, one of the biggest culprits is poor oral hygiene, which contributes to plaque buildup and the formation of tartar on teeth. It can also lead to gingivitis mild gum recession. The other major cause is trauma to the teeth, such as grinding, biting down, or clenching. These causes can lead to gum recession, in which the gum tissue recedes into the tooth. Gum recession can make it hard to smile confidently or even chew.

Poor Diet

We are all aware of the importance of tooth brushing and flossing regularly, but what about our diet? A lack of vitamins and nutrients in our food can lead to poor health, which can cause us not to brush or floss properly. Poor oral hygiene may also be caused by a lack of fiber in our diets. Fiber helps keep our gums healthy and strong, and a diet high in fiber will help prevent the occurrence of gum disease.

Poor Diet, The reason of gingival recession

If you’re going to be on the road to healthier gums, you need to make sure you’re not going to be traveling down the wrong path. First and foremost, you need to cut back on sugary foods and drinks and stick to a well-rounded diet. It would help if you also tried to avoid eating right after waking up and before bedtime.

Trauma Affects the Gums and Teeth

If you’ve ever suffered an injury, it likely affected the gums tissue around your teeth. This could include trauma (like a fall or other physical cause), which can affect the health of your teeth, root surface and gums tissue. Another source of gum recession is due to injury, which could be from infection in gum tissue (which you should see your dentist for), or due to a bad habit, such as biting down hard on food or chewing gum.

Tonsils Surgery

A unique cause of gum recession is the use of tonsil removal surgeries. The removal of tonsils, which are tiny “tissue-like” glands located at the back of the throat, can remove the soft tissue lining from your gums, leading to tooth decay and gum recession.

It is a fact that if you have a tonsillectomy, your chances of developing gum disease will increase. The root cause for this is that tonsils are located near the back of throat, where food goes down. If the patient has had a tonsillectomy, he may eat more often and chew longer. This makes it easier for bacteria to build up in the patient mouth. The gum tissue will not be protected if the patient has had a tonsillectomy, so they are at risk of getting an infection. (must visit the dentist).

Tonsils Surgery for gingival recession

Professional Treatment to Reverse Gingival Recession

1. Clean Up Your Oral Cavity

According to the American Dental Association, gum infection is the sixth-most common health problem in the United States. And yet, many of us fail to recognize how important oral hygiene is. This advice seems obvious, but flossing and brushing your teeth are important to your oral health. However, most Americans still don’t brush and floss regularly and with the right technique. Flossing is a bit different than brushing—it requires you to remove plaque from between your teeth and under the gum line while brushing only cleans the top surfaces of your teeth.

There are many different ways to keep your mouth clean and healthy. It would be best if you were doing this every day. This can be done through a routine. The most important thing to remember is to brush your teeth at least twice a day. To make sure you’re cleaning the right area of your mouth, take a look at the back of your mouth. If you want to save yourself from dental problems, use a string of dental floss that is made specifically for your teeth. To clean your tongue, use a tongue scraper.

2. The PH technique

Research shows that gum recessions are an important part of childhood development. But what does it take to reverse them? One study published in the International Journal of Health Promotion suggests that reducing the consumption of acidic foods may reduce the risk of gum recession.

The PH technique to reverse gingival recession

To avoid dental issues like tooth decay, you should eat good foods for teeth—and, of course, rinse after eating. But there’s one other important thing to consider: the pH of what we eat. Too many acidic foods can hurt your teeth. Foods with high acid content include coffee, cola, citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries, and wine. In contrast, foods like beans, nuts, and veggies are alkaline and lower blood acidity. Try to stay away from high-acid foods.

Topical Treatments for gums

Today, you can find gum recession treatments at over 3,000 stores nationwide. There are many different topical treatments available to reduce your dental issues, like receding gums and helping prevent more serious gum disease. The key is knowing which ones are right for you.

Topical agents are generally safe and easy to use on gums, and can provide a quick response, says Dr. Mark Cade, DDS, MS, of Dr. Cade’s Dental Health Center in Orlando, Florida. These topical treatments will relieve the discomfort associated with GR in a relatively short period. Try to find a product containing Hydrogen Peroxide, which works to reduce the amount of inflammation in the gum tissue.

Natural Remedies To Reverse Gingival Recession

If you have gingivitis, you can treat it naturally without spending a dime on surgery or dental care. It may seem a little strange to think about this disease as a disease. But it is a condition that needs to be treated like one because it does involve an infection. However, there are many options to treat it with natural remedies.

  • Green Tea

One way you can cure gingivitis is to start drinking green tea. Green tea is very good for health. It is made up of antioxidants that help to prevent infections. Antioxidants are chemicals that protect your body from getting sick. It would help if you drank enough of it.

 Green Tea to reverse gingival recession
  • Oil pulling

You can perform an oil pulling session which involves swishing a teaspoon of cold-pressed organic olive oil in your mouth for 15 minutes twice a day. Oil pulling sessions will stimulate the production of beneficial saliva and the body’s oils, which are said to work better than over-the-counter toothpaste and dental floss. These remedies are used to reduce the inflammation of gums.

  • Aloe Vera

The gel inside the aloe vera leaf is a soothing agent which helps reduce swelling and irritation. You can apply the gel to your gums in several different ways. First, you can use the gel straight from the leaf. Or you can make a mouthwash out of the gel by combining the aloe vera gel with other essential oils and vinegar.

Final Thoughts

Reversing gingival recession requires a proactive approach to gum health and targeted interventions to stimulate tissue regeneration. By adopting proper oral hygiene practices, incorporating natural remedies, and seeking professional dental care, it is possible to slow or even reverse the progression of gingival recession. Additionally, using specialized oral care products formulated to promote gum health, such as Nature’s Smile oral care products, can provide the added support needed to encourage tissue regeneration and restore gum health. Take action today to address gingival recession and invest in the health of your gums with Nature’s Smile oral care products.

How To reverse gingival recession

Further Readings

Shawn Perez

Meet Shawn Perez, the accomplished author and dental enthusiast behind the engaging content at With a keen passion for oral health, Shawn brings a wealth of knowledge to his readers, offering insightful tips and expert advice on achieving and maintaining a confident, healthy smile. Dive into Shawn’s articles to discover the latest trends, effective remedies, and practical insights that contribute to overall dental well-being.