Addressing Severe Gum Recession: Treatment Options and Care

7 Tips on How to Cure Your Severe Gum Recession Without Dental Help

If you’re suffering from severe receding gums, you probably feel helpless. You’ve tried everything from a wide variety of over-the-counter products to using toothbrushes with special points, but nothing seems to make a difference. Plus, you might be scared of the periodontist drill, and you don’t want to pay the outrageous dentistry prices for a cleaning. If that’s the case, we’ve got some good news for you. In this article we will discuss how can cure severe gum recession.


In today’s article, I’ll discuss how to cure your receding. We’ve talked about preventing gingival recession from occurring, but what if your problem goes a bit further than that? What if your gums are so bad you’re suffering from an extreme severity of receding gums? Receding is something you don’t want to ignore because it could be dangerous if you don’t treat it properly. That’s why I’ll be discussing a few possible causes and some tips to prevent it from occurring again.

What Exactly is a Gum Recession?

If you are looking to cure severe receding gums, it is crucial to start by understanding exactly what receding gums are.

What Exactly is a Gum Recession?

I was surprised to learn that the answer is pretty complicated, but I came up with a few good explanations to help you understand the concept. In short, it’s when the teeth around a tooth cavity start to decay and then fall out. When gum recession occurs, gaps form between the teeth and gum tissue, making it easy for bacteria to build up in tissue. If receding gums are left unaddressed, the teeth’ supporting tissue and bone structures can be severely damaged. The longer this goes, the more likely you’re left with options of a root canal or possibly tooth surgery.

Understand the factors involved in your disease

You’re not getting the results you want when it comes to your smile. So, what is causing receding gums, and how do we fix them?

Brushing Habits

Most persons stroke their teeth using a standard “cross-over” method. That is, brushing your teeth from front to back, back to front, and from left to right. This method leaves the gum tissue unprotected and susceptible to erosion. To avoid this, experts suggest brushing your teeth in the following manner: Use an interdental brush, start at the gums and work towards the outer areas of the teeth.

Trauma to the Gums

Trauma to the gums usually occurs in response to a fall, sports injury, or tooth extraction. When a person falls on their teeth or suffers an injury that damages the jaw bone, tissue or tooth root, this leads to gum tissue loss, allowing bacteria to multiply under the gum tissue. If you’re experiencing a gum problem, try to take care of gums health or maybe see a dentist immediately to find the source of the problem.

Trauma to the Gums

Hormonal Changes

The problem is usually due to hormonal changes. This is especially common in pregnant or breastfeeding women and can happen any time throughout life, though it’s more likely in those two groups of people.

There is evidence that when a woman becomes pregnant, the levels of estrogen and progesterone increase, leading to gums tissue becoming more sensitive to irritation. Women must take care of themselves in those days.

A study of women in their early 40s found that “hormonal changes” during the transition to menopause and perimenopause increased their risk of periodontal disease by up to 30 percent. This is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in persons over 40. As a side note, it’s also more common in men. It’s important to know this because receding gums people is often accompanied by bleeding, soreness, and tenderness in the mouth.

Sugary foods can lead to gums disease

We live in a society where individuals are always looking for quick, easy fixes in the modern world. That’s why it’s not surprising that receding gums have been on the rise. While most individuals understand the importance of brushing and flossing teeth regularly, the same can’t be said for sugar. This simple sugar fix is often a culprit for receding gums.

Sugary foods can lead to gums disease

When you eat foods containing sugar, the acidity level in your mouth increases, making it easier for your mouth to become damaged by plaque bacteria. This can lead to gum disease, tissue damage, tooth decay, and periodontal disease. Sugary foods also make the oral environment drier and more susceptible to bacterial growth. You may need to cut down on sugary foods to avoid gum disease and other medical issues.

Long term Use of Tobacco and Alcohol

Tobacco and alcohol both can cause significant gum recession, even after years of heavy use. The nicotine and alcohol present in these products makes the mouth acidic, which destroys the enamel. This, in turn, causes teeth to become rough and chipped, making the gums recede.

When tissue becomes rough, the surrounding bone is exposed to more damaging bacteria. Over time, this can result in many other problems, including receding gums, root problems, tooth decay, tissue damage and periodontal disease.

Best Tips to Cure and Prevent Severe Gum Recession

It’s no secret that gum disease treatment can be painful and costly. But what if I told you there are some simple ways to prevent gums from becoming inflamed, swollen, and painful? Here are some of the ways that’ll cure and treat receding gums.

1. Choose the Best Toothpaste for Your Needs

Choose the best toothpaste based on what’s best for your teeth. When they say “toothpaste,” they’re talking about fluoride, which is the primary ingredient in most dental products, including kinds of toothpaste. Fluoride is a strong anti-cavity agent and has other positive effects on your teeth, such as reducing sensitivity.

Most dental products contain a small amount of fluoride, typically about 2 percent. The most effective products are those that have at least 7 percent. The best products will help keep your teeth healthy by cleaning and preventing cavities while protecting against other common problems like sensitivity. This is the best tip without dental help.

Other than that, I suggest looking for the ingredient list. You’ll want to avoid anything containing added sugars, and you’ll want to avoid anything labeled “sodium-free.” You also want to avoid toothpaste that contains alcohol, artificial flavors, or whiteners. Choose a paste with an alkaline pH level.

2. Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

For many, it may be tempting to reach for a soft drink or caffeinated drink when you need to unwind from a stressful day. However, if you’re feeling stressed out, consider skipping the caffeine and alcohol because they’ll only make you more anxious, says psychologist David Lykken. “Stress is the enemy of happiness,” he says.

Avoiding receding gums is as simple as avoiding alcohol and caffeine. A study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that those who drank more than two alcoholic drinks per day had a 40% greater chance of developing periodontal disease. Those who drink coffee were 44% more likely to develop periodontal disease than non-coffee drinkers.

Avoid tobacco and alcohol altogether, at least for a while. If you can stop using tobacco and alcohol for a few months, it will significantly improve your gum health. The more you use it, the worse it gets. If you are a smoker and drink regularly, you need to quit to avoid gum recession. You may experience other oral health issues like tissue damage root problems, as well.

3. Do a Gum Flossing Routine?

I’m sure you’ve heard about the latest trend in gum care: flossing. Countless studies prove that flossing is good for your health, but they don’t seem to have had a big impact on the way people use chewing gum. But there’s a reason why it’s the best way to get rid of the sticky stuff on your gum graft, says Dr. James H. VanDusen, D.D.S., assistant professor in the Department of Periodontology at NYU Langone Health, who recommends flossing to help prevent gum recession. There’s no need for any dental help.

Do a Gum Flossing Routine

People who floss regularly tend to have healthier gums than those who don’t floss. When you floss, it removes plaque from the mouth areas where food particles accumulate—the interproximal surfaces. This is so important because plaque is not a healthy substance; it’s made of bacteria that cause gingivitis and other common gum problems.

4. Brush Your Teeth

If you have gum recession, it’s probably because your toothbrush isn’t doing its job. It’s time to rub! The best way to get rid of gum recession is to use a good toothbrush. I don’t recommend using the same toothbrush for teeth and gums. This is because the same bacteria on your teeth can find their way into your gums and cause gingivitis, leading to gum recession. Plus point, you don’t need.

Brushing twice a day will help remove plaque buildup, leading to gum recession. But it also works on the soft tissue around the teeth, which means you’re not just helping yourself; you’re helping your entire mouth. After brushing rinsing your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash.

5. Treat Receding Gums By Exfoliating

The next step is to use some form of exfoliation to remove the surface debris accumulated on the gum tissue graft. When you clean your teeth, you want to remove the dead skin and plaque leading to gingivitis mild receding gums. This is often done by scraping off the top layer of your teeth with a toothbrush. You mustn’t go too far with this process as it will damage your tooth enamel and cause gum recession. Use a gentle toothpaste or mouthwash to clean your teeth and gums to prevent this.

6. Healthy Diet

While many companies will do everything they can to cure gum recession, you should eat healthy before starting your journey to repair damaged teeth. Eating a healthy diet will help with the healing process. And eating a balanced diet will help prevent any gum recession from reoccurring. Balanced diet containing such as vitamin c which have anti inflammatory properties helps to reduce the inflammation of gums.

“You want to avoid foods like too much sugar, processed foods, and greasy foods,” says Dr. James L. Greenstein, DMD, a dentist in New Jersey. “All of those can cause inflammation, and inflammation can cause your gums to recede.”

Healthy Diet

Your mouth gets sticky if you keep eating sweets. If you are suffering from bad breath, you should immediately stop your sugar consumption. Avoid the candy and sodas that cause mouth irritation. You can eat healthy and still enjoy some dessert or snacks. Just make sure that you don’t overindulge and that your diet remains balanced. A balanced diet means eating vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

7. Use Gum Containing Fluoride

When your teeth are clean, they look shiny and bright, making you feel good about yourself. But when you don’t brush after eating a meal or snack, your pearly whites may look like they’re suffering from gum recession. This condition happens when too much plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth.

A solution to cure gum recession is to use chewing gum containing fluoride. The substance works by increasing the amount of saliva in the mouth, thus removing more food debris and tartar. It also reduces bacteria in the mouth, making it easier for teeth to clean themselves. Chewing gum with fluoride doesn’t only reduce tartar buildup on teeth and gums; it can help prevent cavities on teeth and gum disease. These remedies reduce gum inflammation.

In Summary

We can all use a little bit of help from our dentist. Whether you’ve had many dental problems in the past, or this is your first visit to the dentist, you can still have healthy teeth and gums. It all comes down to good oral hygiene. The key is to treat gum recession by following those above tips regularly. You have to take care and control the situation and get rid of its causes. That means stopping the bad habits causing the recession and taking good care of your teeth and gums.

I’ve been working closely with Dr. William M. Sisk, gum disease and periodontal medicine specialist at UCLA, for several years now, and I’d like to share his tips with you.

natures smile for gum problems

Further Readings

Shawn Perez

Meet Shawn Perez, the accomplished author and dental enthusiast behind the engaging content at With a keen passion for oral health, Shawn brings a wealth of knowledge to his readers, offering insightful tips and expert advice on achieving and maintaining a confident, healthy smile. Dive into Shawn’s articles to discover the latest trends, effective remedies, and practical insights that contribute to overall dental well-being.