Minimize Gum Recession: Tips for Preserving Your Dental Health

Reverse Gum Recession - The Natural Way?

With your busy day finally coming to a close, it’s only natural to take the last moment to enjoy a final bite of your favorite food or pop in that piece of chocolate you’ve been craving for the past few days. However, you may soon discover that one of your teeth is starting to suffer, and the area around your tooth is getting a little pink. This usually occurs when there’s too much pressure placed on a tooth from chewing certain foods, and you’re about to experience gum recession. But what does gum recession even mean, and how can you minimize it? In this article we will discuss how we can minimize gum recession.

Understanding Minimize Gum Recession

Did you know gum recession is one of the most common dental problems? It occurs when the gum graft around the teeth starts to pull away, exposing more of the tooth’s root. This can happen for various reasons, including gum disease, brushing too hard, or aging. Gum recession can lead to many problems, including bacterial gum infections, cavities, and even tooth loss. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of gum recession and to see a dentist if you think you may be experiencing it.

Early detection and treatment can help prevent gum recession from becoming a serious problem. While some of us can completely avoid this issue by flossing daily, this is not an option for many others. For people who experience gum recession, there are many things that you can do to minimize it, but first, let’s see what causes it in the first place and its common symptoms.

Why Do Gums Recede?

Your oral health can tell a lot about your overall health. They can be an indicator of dental problems, but they can also indicate other issues going on in your body. For example, gum disease has been linked to heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. So, why do gums recede?

minimize gum recession

Most of the time, there is no single cause for gum receding. Many different factors can lead to mild gum recession. One of the most important factors is plaque buildup. But plaque can only cause gum recession if it becomes tartar buildup. You may be wondering why that is. I bet you have seen people with lots of plaque and still have perfect gum. Tartar is invisible until it starts to build up. It is very important to get a regular professional cleaning. That is the number one reason why gum recedes. Apart from that, there are several reasons why tartar develops, and gum recession occurs, including

Poor Diet

There’s evidence that gum recession may be linked to a poor diet. Gum recession happens when the gum tissue becomes damaged from inflammation or poor nutrition, causing a receding gingival margin. When you don’t eat enough nutrient-rich foods, it can take a toll on your gum tissue. This tissue helps support your teeth, so your gums can start to recede when it starts to deteriorate. According to the Journal of American Dental Association, “The evidence suggests that a deficiency of essential fatty acids may cause gingivitis in the diet, such as those in fish oil.”

healthy diet

Wrong Brushing Technique

The brushing technique is essential to maintaining a healthy smile, especially if you suffer from gum recession. It has a profound effect on plaque, tartar buildup, and gingivitis. If you’re too aggressive with brushing, you can damage the gums and cause them to pull away from the teeth. This exposes the roots of the teeth and makes them more susceptible to decay.

Also, using abrasive toothpaste can damage the gums and lead to recession. So if you’re concerned about your gum health, it’s important to use a gentle brushing technique and avoid toothpastes that are too abrasive. 

Brushing Technique


Bruxism is the condition in which the teeth are constantly grinding together, causing pain, headaches, and other negative effects. The most common cause of bruxism is stress; if your anxiety level is high, you’re more likely to experience stress-related teeth grinding.

Over time, bruxism can damage tooth enamel and cause gums to recede. It can also lead to other dental problems, such as cavities and jaw pain. If you think you may have bruxism, talk to your dentist. Treatments available can help prevent further damage to your teeth and gums.

Periodontal disease

You might also have receding gums if you have periodontal disease. Periodontal disease occurs when plaque and tartar buildup in your mouth. This type of disease affects your gums, leading to inflammation, which in turn can cause your gums to recede.

Over time, the bacteria destroy the bone supporting the teeth, and eventually, the teeth fall out. Although the first signs of periodontal disease usually go unnoticed, a dentist will usually notice them when a tooth falls out, which signals the onset of a serious infection.

Periodontal disease


Diabetes can affect the gum tissue in several ways:

  • It can cause increased inflammation and irritation of the gums. This can lead to redness, swelling, and bleeding.
  • Diabetes can cause changes in the blood vessels that supply the gums with oxygen and nutrients. These changes can make the gums more susceptible to infection and can also interfere with the healing process. As a result, gums that are already inflamed or irritated may begin to recede.
  • Diabetes can also cause dry mouth, further irritating the gums and making them more likely to recede. 

Gum recession can make it difficult to clean your teeth properly, leading to gum disease. If you’re concerned about receding gums, it’s important to look for early symptoms. These include:

Sensitivity: One of the most common symptoms of receding gums is increased sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet foods. This can signify that the roots of your teeth are becoming exposed.

Bleeding: Another common symptom of receding gums is bleeding when brushing or flossing. This can be a sign of early gum disease and should be addressed by a dental professional as soon as possible. 

Bad breath: Receding gums can cause bacteria and other debris to become trapped in the tiny spaces between your teeth and gums. This can lead to an overgrowth of bacteria, which can, in turn, cause bad breath.

Can Gum Recession be Restored?

Your gums are an important part of your mouth. They provide support and structure for your teeth, help keep them in place and protect the sensitive root surfaces from bacteria and other foreign invaders. Unfortunately, your gums can also be susceptible to many problems, including gum disease and recession.

While gum disease is a serious condition that requires professional dental cleanings, a recession is a relatively common problem that can often be effectively treated at home. Achieving a confident dental smile begins with minimizing gum recession and maintaining healthy gums.

Can Gum Recession be Restored?

Get your hands on the right products.

Several over-the-counter products and oral care techniques help treat the condition. These products include:

Use gum stimulating toothpaste: There are now several kinds of toothpaste on the market specifically designed to stimulate gum growth. These toothpastes contain ingredients like aloe vera, tea tree oil, and vitamin E, which have all been shown to promote a healthy gum line. Be sure to use these toothpastes according to the directions on the package for the best results.

Use a natural mouthwash: Mouthwashes that contain alcohol can cause your gums to recede further. Instead, opt for a natural mouthwash that contains ingredients like baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, or witch hazel. These ingredients will help to kill bacteria and promote healing.

Brush your teeth properly for good results

Plaque buildup is one of the primary causes of developing gum recession. Thus, you must brush your teeth regularly and floss at least once daily. It would be best if you also used a tongue scraper to remove bacteria from your tongue. Plus, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush gently in circular motions. This will help to remove plaque without damaging your gums.

Avoid foods that are too sticky or chewy.

Avoid foods that are too sticky or chewy.

One of the most common triggers is sticky or chewy foods. When these foods become stuck in the crevices between your teeth and gums, it can stress the gums and cause them to recede. To help prevent gum recession, it’s important to avoid sticky and chewy foods as much as possible. Instead, opt for fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. A healthy diet will not only help keep your gums healthy, but they’ll also keep your entire body healthy.

Minimize Gum Recession By Natural Remedies

Oil Pulling: Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that uses oil to clean the mouth and teeth. It helps to reduce bacteria and plaque buildup, which can help prevent gum recession. Take a tablespoon of coconut or sesame oil in your mouth and swish it for 15-20 minutes before spitting it out. Do this once daily for best results.

Oil Pulling

Aloe vera: Aloe vera gel to soothe inflamed gums and promote healing. With consistent use, these natural remedies can help restore your gums and prevent further receding. Try using aloe vera as a lip balm substitute.

Green tea: Green tea contains catechins, which act as antioxidants and help fight free radicals. It has been shown to decrease the levels of certain enzymes linked with inflammation significantly. So by drinking green tea, you can fight against gum disease.


Taking proactive steps to minimize gum recession is crucial for maintaining optimal oral health and preventing further complications. By implementing preventive measures, adopting healthy lifestyle habits, and incorporating effective oral care products into your routine, you can protect your gums and reduce the risk of recession. Dental Pro 7 offer gentle yet effective solutions to support gum health and minimize recession. Take action today and prioritize your gum health with Dental Pro 7 products for long-lasting protection and oral wellness.

Dental Pro 7

Further Readings:

Shawn Perez

Meet Shawn Perez, the accomplished author and dental enthusiast behind the engaging content at With a keen passion for oral health, Shawn brings a wealth of knowledge to his readers, offering insightful tips and expert advice on achieving and maintaining a confident, healthy smile. Dive into Shawn’s articles to discover the latest trends, effective remedies, and practical insights that contribute to overall dental well-being.