What Is The Cause Of Receding Gums? Exploring the Factors Behind Gum Recession

Want To Know What Is The Cause Of Receding Gums?

You might wonder what is the cause of receding gums? This question is often asked but rarely answered. While there is no single cause of gum recession, several contributing factors are. In this article we will discuss what is the cause of receding gums?

Common Causes of Receding Gums

Gum recession occurs when the gum tissue surrounding the teeth pulls back exposing some of the tooth or the tooth’s root. It can be caused by various circumstances, including age, brushing too hard, and poor dental hygiene. Gum recession can progress to more significant oral health problems if the cause of receding gums is not discovered and allowed to continue.

1-Periodontal Disease

Gum disease is one of the most common causes of receding gums. Periodontal disease is the most common type of gum disease that causes mild gum recession. These bacterial gum infections destroy gum tissue and the bone that holds teeth in place. Gum disease can damage the gums and lead to tooth loss.

Periodontal disease affects the gums and the tissues that support the teeth. Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in the United States. Your gums may bleed and pull away from your teeth if you have gum disease. One in every four adults ages 65 years and older have periodontal disease, and the condition is a leading cause of tooth loss and gums recession as a result of which inflammation of gums occured.


Gum recession affects some people significantly more than it does others. According to studies, 30 percent of the population is more prone to get gum disease regardless of how well they care for their teeth. People who have a family history of gum disease are more likely to get it themselves. There is a 30 percent chance of getting it when you are between 15 and 25 years old. Gum recession affects some people more than others.


For example, children may be more susceptible to gum recession because fewer teeth support their gums. The same goes for the elderly because of the natural loss of tooth enamel.

3-Poor Oral Hygiene

Gums protect tooth roots from disease. But you can lose that protective covering if your gums recede or shrink back from the teeth due to poor oral hygiene. Plaque can convert into tartar if you don’t brush, floss, or rinse with mouthwash enough. This hard substance accumulates on and between teeth and can only be effectively removed during regular dental cleaning.

Plaque accumulated on your gums and teeth begins to harm your gums, causing the gums to recede. New pockets form as your gums pull back from your teeth, providing plaque and bacteria more room to develop. Gum recession can occur if left untreated. Brushing your teeth too hard might also wear away your enamel. Gum recession might also be a result of this. These all are indications of poor oral hygiene.

4-Teeth Grinding

You may experience gum recession if you grind your teeth excessively throughout the night or day. The constant stress can cause gum recession on the gums caused by unconscious tooth grinding resulting in increased tooth sensitivity. The ensuing gum inflammation puts additional pressure on your teeth and gums. If left untreated, this leads to periodontal disease, which causes tooth loosening, tooth loss, and potentially bone loss.

  • If you have a problem with your gums, try to reduce your time grinding your teeth.
  • Take a break from chewing when you are not hungry and don’t chew your food too hard.
  • If you notice that you are grinding your teeth at night, try to change your sleeping position. Sleeping with your head elevated will help reduce the pressure on your gums.
  • Teeth grinding can cause significant gum recession and expose your tooth roots over time.

Teeth Grinding


Smoking, poor eating choices, and poor dental hygiene are all factors that contribute to receding gums. According to the Oral Health Foundation, ‘People who smoke are more likely to build bacterial plaque, leading to receding gums and eventually gum disease. Even though it is a frequent problem, smoking is still one of the leading causes of gum disease and receding gums.

Because smoking suppresses the immune system, smokers’ gums are more prone to infection. This is because the affected area isn’t getting enough blood and oxygen. Quitting smoking and increasing your immune system can significantly improve your gum health and help you avoid disease and infection.

The amount of oxygen carried in the bloodstream is reduced by smoking, making it more difficult for the body to fight illnesses. To put it another way, smoking weakens the immune system, which hinders the recovery of diseased gums. This can result in long-term gum recession and, ultimately, tooth loss.


Gum disease is more common in people with diabetes because changes in blood vessels are caused by diabetes. Thickening of blood arteries can impede the flow of nutrients and waste disposal from bodily tissues. The gums and bones can be weakened due to the diminished blood supply. Furthermore, uncontrolled diabetes results in more excellent blood sugar (glucose) levels in the oral fluids. This encourages the development of bacteria that can lead to gum disease.

Infections from untreated, periodontal disease, on the other hand, can raise blood sugar levels, making diabetes control more difficult. Smoking, another issue, is hazardous to oral health, even in those who do not have diabetes. A person with diabetes who smokes, on the other hand, has a considerably higher risk of gum disease than someone who does not have diabetes. Gums disease can be caused by diabetes-related variables along with inadequate dental hygiene.


The frequency and course of atypical and conventional periodontal diseases or gums recession are changing as newer pharmaceutical approaches to treating human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. As a result of these medications, which have improved life spans for HIV patients, the incidence of necrotizing periodontitis and fungal gingival infections appears to be declining. These diseases may reoccur if they lose effectiveness and HIV patients relapse into an immunosuppressed state.


HIV patients with more conventional periodontal disorders such as chronic periodontitis may have more significant attachment loss and gingival recession. This periodontal support loss pattern could be partly attributable to a widespread invasion of opportunistic bacterial infections, viruses, and fungi into the gingival tissue, resulting in a more formal and overall destructive inflammatory response in the periodontal soft and hard tissues. To treat these infections anti inflammatory medications used.

8-Tooth eruption

Teeth usually emerge from the center of a bony housing that surrounds the root and protects it. If a tooth erupts or moves out of this housing, the heart may be exposed, leaving little or no gum tissue around the tooth leading to gum recession.

Orthodontically repositioning a tooth to its normal position may help strengthen gum tissue and make it more resistant to recession. Orthodontics treatment is used to place tooth to its normal position.

Frequently Asked Questions

People have many questions when it comes to causes for receding gums. Some of the queries you might have are as follows:

How do you fix receding gums?

Soft-tissue grafting is the standard treatment for gingival recession. Grafting is a surgical treatment in which a periodontist extracts healthy gum tissue from the roof of the mouth and utilizes it to fill in gaps in the gum.

Will mouthwash help receding gums?

Mouthwash can be used to minimize cavities and control foul breath. It can also aid to prevent receding gums, gingivitis, dry mouth, and plaque buildup. In addition to brushing and flossing, mouthwash should be utilized. It’s critical to use mouthwash for receding gums that bears the American Dental Association’s Seal of Acceptance.

In Summary

Receding gums is something that can affect both children and adults. It is a common problem that can have many causes. However, many treatments can slow down the process and prevent further damage. While gum recession can sometimes be repaired with gum disease therapy or grafting surgery, it’s much better to avoid it in the first place. So, If you are experiencing any of the warning signs, it’s important to see your dentist right away. Early detection and treatment are key in preventing further damage to your teeth and gums. Be sure to brush and floss regularly, and keep up with your regular dental check-ups to help protect your smile!

Natures smile for gum problems

Further Readings:

Shawn Perez

Meet Shawn Perez, the accomplished author and dental enthusiast behind the engaging content at https://gumbalm.com. With a keen passion for oral health, Shawn brings a wealth of knowledge to his readers, offering insightful tips and expert advice on achieving and maintaining a confident, healthy smile. Dive into Shawn’s articles to discover the latest trends, effective remedies, and practical insights that contribute to overall dental well-being.