Receding Gums Reversal Made Simple: Tips and Tricks for Success

heal of receding gums

Do you want to know if receding gums reversal by natural means is even possible? Well, there’s a process that can re-energize your oral health and, most importantly, help you regain that smile you’ve been longing to see once again. In this article we will discuss receding gums reversal at home and by dental procedures.

Understanding What Causes Receding Gum?

Several factors can cause your gums to recede, here are some main causes:

– Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard: Brushing your teeth too forcefully can wear away the enamel and cause your gums to recede. The plaque will cover your teeth and harden into tartar if you don’t brush and floss them regularly. If not removed, it can cause gum disease and recession.

First, We Need To Know What Causes Receding Gum?

– Grinding Or Clenching Your Teeth: If severe, this can put pressure on your gums, causing them to recede.

– Smoking: If you smoke, your gums are more likely to recede.

– Periodontitis: Periodontitis is a severe form of gum disease in which the gums tear away from the teeth and develop pockets. These can become infected, causing damage to the tissue and bone that supports teeth in place, causing them to become loose and wobbly. It can potentially result in tooth loss.

Receding Gums Reversal By The Natural Way

Professional dental intervention is the most effective technique to prevent gum recession. Modern dentistry offers several options for reversing receding gum lines. There are, however, several home treatments and natural ingredients that can help reverse your receding gums. Gums can repair because they are organic tissue. Gum recession, on the other hand, is difficult to reverse.

So, It is critical to maintaining your oral hygiene practice when experimenting with natural solutions. Brush and floss at least twice a day to prevent gum recession and other dental health issues.

Reverse Gum Recession - The Natural Way?


– Saltwater Rinse

Saltwater is the best way to keep your gums healthy and free from bacteria as it helps clean your mouth because it contains sodium. When the doctor prescribed a saltwater rinse for your mouth, you likely didn’t realize there was another reason to take care of your teeth. This ancient method of oral hygiene may sound like a strange treatment to add to your daily routine, but it helps your gums stay healthy. The natural minerals in saltwater help receding gums and clean your teeth but also keep them healthy. The benefits are similar to what’s found in baking soda and other common household products.

It is recommended to use a small amount of saltwater for cleaning your teeth. Don’t overuse it. It is good to use it to rinse the mouth after eating to remove food particles, bacteria, and even other harmful chemicals. When you rinse with salt water, it will help dissolve the plaque on your teeth and remove any excess food particles from your mouth. Also, it will help you to remove stains on your teeth.

Procedure To Apply:

So, If you’re finding a quick and easy way to get rid of the bacteria that live in your mouth, there’s nothing better than saltwater rinses. Simply fill a glass bowl with water, add one cup of salt, and then use a clean toothbrush to brush your teeth. Rinse off the excess water with a tongue scraper or piece of cloth. Then repeat as needed.

– Oil Pulling

According to research in the dental literature, oil pulling is an age-old remedy for oral hygiene and gum health. A review study published between 1995 and 2016 found that oil pulling could help reduce plaque and prevent gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). Oil pulling may also help with tooth sensitivity, which is caused by increased fluid flow into the dentinal tubules of the teeth. It will cause the nerves to become irritated, and the teeth can become sensitive.

- Oil Pulling

Oil Pulling is a simple procedure where you simply swish the oil around your mouth for about 20 minutes before swallowing. It is believed to dislodge toxins and plaque from the teeth and gums. This is important because the bacteria that cause bad breath are located near the surface of the teeth and the tongue.

Procedure To Apply:

To cleanse the area, it’s recommended that you swish with oil for at least twenty minutes. The very first thing you should do is put a spoonful of one of these oils in your mouth. This can help you to remove plaque that sticks to your teeth. The other thing you should do is swish the oil around for about 20 minutes. Make sure that you keep the oil on your teeth. You can use your toothbrush to do this. When you are done, spit the oil out and rinse your mouth. Then, brush your teeth.

– Green Tea

We have known that green tea is good for our health for a long time. Drinking green tea regularly has plenty of benefits.

  • It helps to promote oral health and gum tissue healing.
  • Green tea also has antioxidants to protect our bodies against free radical damage.
  • If you want to drink green tea regularly, you should drink at least four cups of it per day.
  • The best part of drinking green tea is that it will help you fight against tooth decay and periodontal disease. This is because it contains powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. These antioxidants can help reduce inflammation in the mouth.

As told above, drinking green tea is an easy way to prevent gum disease and reduce tooth decay. It’s also the perfect remedy for sore gums and swollen gums. However, you need to know how to make green tea before drinking it.

How To Make Green Tea?

  • To make green tea, you need to put two parts of fresh green tea leaves into one cup of boiling water.
  • Let it cool for at least five minutes.
  • Strain the tea leaves.
  • You can also make your tea using hot water.
  • Add a bit of honey and lemon to the tea if you want it to be tastier.
  • You should drink this beverage at least twice a day.

This will help to kill harmful bacteria in the mouth and reduce the risk of gum disease and tooth decay.

receding gums reversal

Fix Receding Gums Without Surgery

Are you seeking ways to fix receding gums without resorting to surgery? Fortunately, non-surgical options exist to address this concern effectively. From targeted oral hygiene practices to specialized dental procedures, several approaches aid in halting and even reversing gum recession. Techniques such as scaling and root planing, laser therapy, and specialized toothpaste and mouthwash formulated for gum health restoration are among the non-invasive solutions available.

These methods, when applied under the guidance of a dental professional, can stimulate gum tissue regeneration and prevent further recession. Embracing these non-surgical interventions is a proactive step toward reclaiming healthy gums and preserving your confident smile.


– Take vitamins and Minerals

There are many different vitamins that we need in our daily diet. If you are interested in making your mouth healthier, it is best to get your daily supply of vitamin C and Coenzyme Q10. Both of these help to strengthen your gums.

One of the best ways to keep your teeth and gums healthy is to get enough calcium in your diet. It is a mineral that helps build the bones in your body. You can get this mineral from dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt. You can also get it by eating some types of fish, such as sardines, salmon, and tuna.

You should take vitamin D to help you absorb this mineral. It is also important to take vitamin B2. This vitamin can be found in fortified cereals, dark green vegetables, and fatty fish. The best way to keep your teeth and gums healthy is to eat foods that contain calcium and vitamin D.

Healthy Lifestyle:

A healthy lifestyle is also important to have healthy teeth. For example, if you drink too much soda, you may be putting unhealthy chemicals into your mouth that will eventually cause tooth decay and gingivitis.

To prevent this, you must stay away from these things. You can start by cutting out sugary drinks, such as cola, soda, and juice. Be sure to drink water and use only organic foods that don’t contain harmful ingredients. It is also good to eat a balanced diet that includes the vitamins you need. These include fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins. Your best bet is to take vitamins and other supplements to help you maintain healthy gums.

– Medications:

  • An experienced dentist will be able to give you advice on the best course of treatment for your specific situation.
  • A dentist may prescribe antibiotics if a periodontal infection is detected.
  • A dentist may use enzyme suppressants to help reduce bacteria production in the mouth.
  • You can take other medications, such as fluoride treatments, to help prevent gum recession.
  • A dentist may prescribe a topical antibiotic gel to help treat an infected area.
    Antiseptic chips are small wafer-like strips made of material that inhibits bacterial growth, such as sodium bicarbonate and citric acid. They can be used as an alternative to floss.



– Tooth Scaling/Root Planning

If you notice any tooth pain, you should see your dentist right away. If you are going to have scaling or root planning to treat gum recession, it is a good idea to schedule the procedure for when you don’t have any other dental appointments.

The process of scaling and root planning can be painful. Your dentist may apply a local anesthetic, such as Lidocaine or Novocaine, to your gums or tongue, depending on the area of your mouth that will be treated. You may also have to swallow a numbing tablet. After you have been numbed, the dentist will clean your teeth. He will also remove any tartar that may be on your teeth. In addition, your dentist may carefully remove the gum line and smooth the exposed tooth root to discourage bacteria build-up.

Your dentist will also plan to use a special scalar and a rotating brush to get rid of any tartar or plaque that may be on the crowns, roots, and crevices of your teeth if you have mild gum recession. The dentist will then carefully remove the gum tissue, using a small saline solution to rinse the area after each tooth is scaled.

Once the scaling has been completed, your dentist will carefully polish your teeth to remove any debris left behind.

In addition, if you have gum recession, your dentist will need to remove the exposed part of the tooth. This can be done in two ways. Your dentist may remove the gum line with a scalpel or plan your tooth to take out the damaged part of the tooth. He can do this by removing the gum tissue with a special tool called a laser. After removing the damaged part, your dentist will use the laser to shape the tooth root and smooth the exposed area. Your dentist may then clean the gum line to remove any bacteria left behind after the treatment.

– Gum Tissue Graft

Gums protect our teeth from decay, prevent the loss of teeth due to periodontal disease, keep food and liquid away from the teeth and hold our teeth in place. A gum graft can be an effective treatment if you have damaged your gums or lost some of your gum tissue. However, the process of having a gum graft can be uncomfortable.

A dentist or periodontist will carefully examine your teeth, gums, and jawbone to determine which areas need to be grafted. Your dentist or periodontist will also ensure that the new tissue looks and feels like natural gum tissue. Gum tissue is usually taken from the backside of the mouth. It is then placed on the front side of your teeth, attached to the bone. During this procedure, the dentist also cleans out the area where the graft will be placed.

- Gum Tissue Graft

The procedure takes about an hour. After the gum graft surgery is done, you will need to take prescribed antibiotics for several days to prevent infection. You may also need to use a special diet during the healing period.

You may also have some minor discomfort while recovering from the surgery. This is normal. The more you understand what happens to you during the surgery, the better you can deal with the pain. You must get the right type of medication to relieve your pain. Ask your doctor about the pain relief medication that you should take.

Questions That You Might Have:

People have many queries when it comes to receding gum reversal. Here are a few questions that you might have:

– How Can I Get My Receding Gums To Grow Back?

Surgery is needed to restore the appearance and function of a gummy smile. Grafting is a type of surgery done when the gums on your teeth and gums aren’t healing properly or at all or restoring overall oral health. It is called “gum grafting” because they take soft tissue from a different area in your mouth and place it on your gums. This procedure involves taking a piece of your own gum and sewing it onto your gums. This will help the wound to heal faster. The donor area is usually the inside of your cheek.

– What Is The New Treatment To Reverse Receding Gums?

Gum recession occurs when gum tissue wears away and exposes. Indeed Gum Graft is a permanent solution for treating receding gums. But, this is a painful procedure. This is why the Pinhole Surgical Technique is now available. It is a less invasive way of treating receding gums. It is a new option for treating receding gums without the pain and recovery time required with gum grafting surgery. This technique is a simple outpatient procedure that requires no stitches and produces excellent results.

Final Thought

While complete reversal of receding gums may not always be possible, there are effective strategies available to promote gum regrowth and improve overall gum health. By adopting a comprehensive oral care routine that includes proper brushing, flossing, and the use of natural oral care products such as Nature’s Smile, individuals can support the regrowth of gum tissue and prevent further recession. Remember to consult with your dentist for personalized advice and treatment options tailored to your specific needs. Take action today and invest in the health of your gums with Nature’s Smile oral care products to promote gum regrowth and achieve a healthier smile.

natures smile for gum problems

Further Readings:

Shawn Perez

Meet Shawn Perez, the accomplished author and dental enthusiast behind the engaging content at With a keen passion for oral health, Shawn brings a wealth of knowledge to his readers, offering insightful tips and expert advice on achieving and maintaining a confident, healthy smile. Dive into Shawn’s articles to discover the latest trends, effective remedies, and practical insights that contribute to overall dental well-being.