7 Ways Your Gums Can Deteriorate: Causes Unveiled

Understanding Gum Disease and Its Causes

When you think of the gum recession, what comes to mind? Crooked teeth? Red, swollen, bleeding gums? Tooth loss? A few years ago, that was what came to my mind too. But I’ve come to learn that there’s so much more to it than that. Deteriorating gums is also painful and you should have to take care of it .

Overview — Deteriorating gums

Sure, if your gums become infected with bacteria, you’ll eventually end up with an unsightly red, painful mouth. Your gums can become thin and recede, leaving gum pockets between your upper and lower teeth.

Receding gums’ first sign is when your teeth appear smaller than normal. And tooth sensitivity is the second sign. But there are plenty of other ways to experience gum recession without the teeth being affected. Here’s a list of 9 reasons why your gums can get “weird.” (Gum Recession)

1. Mild Gum Recession Occurs by Smoking

While it might seem harmless to light up a cigarette after a meal or before bed, your mouth is probably not where you want to start the habit. The First Cause of Gum recession is a result of smoking, which can destroy gum tissue, causing pain, discomfort, bad breath, and bacterial gum infections. Smoking is also a major factor in gingival recession and oral cancer.

 Mild Gum Recession Occurs by Smoking

People who smoke tend to have more gums recede than those who don’t. So how can you avoid the early stages of gingival recession, which is what causes the problem in the first place? The answer: stop smoking.

2. Stress Affects Gum Tissue Surrounding

The second cause of gum recession is stress. It’s common knowledge that stress affects our health. According to research, stress hormones can damage the brain, affect metabolism, and increase the risk of heart disease. But what about your gums? A recent study found that high levels of cortisol, which are released when we feel stressed, cause gums to recede. It is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults.

Stress may seem like a logical reaction to your receding gum tissue and pulling away from your teeth, but if you’re stressed out, your gum can be more susceptible to bacterial invasion. Don’t let the stress ruin your oral health and follow these saviour guide.

3. Alcohol causes gums to recede.

Alcohol consumption can contribute to receding gums. Alcohol consumption is thought to contribute to the development of harmful bacteria and periodontal diseases. This is because the bacteria in the mouth multiply more rapidly in exposed tooth roots when the mouth’s pH is low, as it is after a glass of alcohol.

Alcohol causes the mouth to become acidic, which leads to gum recession and enough gum tissue to pull away. The use of tobacco products can also cause periodontal disease by promoting the growth of bacteria. If left untreated, it’ll cause gums to recede.

4. Poor oral hygiene

treatment  of Deteriorating gums

A person’s oral health is the number one factor that determines the health of their teeth. It’s a significant contributor to the health of their gums, too. Oral health is dependent on several factors, including the frequency and inadequate brushing, the length of time you spend brushing, the type of toothpaste you use, and the type of flossing material you use.

5. Diabetes

If you have diabetes, it’s more likely that you’re facing gum recession. You should be sure to have a regular dental deep cleaning, even if you don’t feel pain. During the deep cleaning, plaque and tartar are removed, and the exposed root area is smoothed over, making it more difficult for bacteria to attach to soft tissue.

As I’ve said, sticky plaque buildup can cause gum disease. And this will only make your teeth more prone to decay. So, brush and floss regularly. If you have diabetes, make sure to follow a good diet and exercise routine.

6. Abrasive toothbrush techniques

In the case of brushing your teeth, the truth is that a good old-fashioned daily scrub won’t harm the enamel on your teeth. Brushing your teeth is a great way to remove plaque and food particles from your mouth.

However, if you brush too much force, you may cause your gums to become tender and red. When using an abrasive toothbrush, though, the opposite is true: If a person’s gums are bleeding after brushing, they are using too much force while brushing. So try gentle brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid any gum bleeding.

7. Receding Gums caused by Hormones

When hormonal changes occur in women during their menstrual cycle, gingivitis tends to be worse. This is one of the most common reasons for gum recession in women. As hormone levels fluctuate, estrogen and progesterone levels decrease, and this causes inflammation. This leads to the accumulation of plaque and bacteria in the mouth, which may cause gum recession, loose teeth or, in severe cases, gingivitis.

Receding Gums caused by Hormones

A study published in the Journal of Dental Research showed that women going through menopause experience a significant deterioration of gum health and that the severity of gum disease rises as estrogen levels drop. Men also experience a slight increase in gum recession, but it’s less pronounced. If left untreated, it’ll turn into gum recession.

How do you heal gum deterioration?

What if I told you that there are simple, effective steps you can take to treat gum recession by naturally strengthening and restoring your gums, improving breath, preventing further damage and avoiding costly scaling and root planning? Read on to get the answer.

Don’t neglect your oral hygiene routine

Poor oral health is number one on the list. To help you avoid gum surgery and prevent gum recession, make sure to floss regularly. Make it part of your daily routine. Also, brush your teeth twice daily, ideally before and after each meal. If you’re at high risk for gum disease, check out the Oral-B Cross Action Plus Clean Series, which features advanced cleaning technology and clinically proven antibacterial protection.

Eat a balanced diet

The biggest issue for many people is that they don’t eat enough healthy foods. The second-largest issue is that they eat too many of the wrong types of foods.

If you’re new to receding gums prevention, here’s a tip: Make sure you eat a balanced diet. A balanced diet includes all the essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals your body needs to stay healthy. These things are just as important as taking care of your teeth.

Eat a balanced diet.

Try an enzyme-based product

While there are other factors in this category, such as the number of teeth a person has, the main focus is on the rate of receding gums. However, some products on the market offer an alternative to traditional remedies. These include enzymes, concentrated forms of the enzyme that causes the gums to heal. One of these is called Biotene.

The reason it is recommended to use it regularly is that the enzymes in it help increase the level of saliva in the mouth. This, in turn, stimulates the gums’ healing and helps prevent them from receding.

Topical Treatments

There are many methods to achieve a healthy mouth, but one that’s proven to be the most effective for gum problems is topical treatments. They prevent gum recession by providing antimicrobial, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties.

These treatments provide long-lasting benefits when applied topically to the affected gum tissue. They can also treat problems like cold sores, thrush, and periodontal disease.

Topical medications can include antibacterial mouthwash or gels containing antibacterial ingredients inserted into the spaces between teeth and gums or pockets after deep cleaning.

Home Remedies

To help you avoid a trip to your dentist, here are my home remedies to prevent receding gums. Try one of these at least two times a week.

1. Salt Water: Brush teeth with warm salt water for a few minutes before flossing.

2. DIY Toothpaste: Make your toothpaste with baking soda, essential oils, and crushed cloves.

3. Ice: Use ice cubes wrapped in a washcloth for instant relief.

4. Ginger: Boil a slice of ginger with water and hold over your gums to stop pain and bleeding.

5. Vinegar: Take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and mix with an equal amount of honey. Swish for several minutes. You can also gargle this mixture to prevent the formation of plaque.

6. Coconut Oil: Use coconut oil on your teeth to stimulate saliva and fight gingivitis.

End Note

In conclusion, you may want to brush your teeth, but that’s not enough. There are many other habits that you should keep in check to avoid developing tooth problems, such as using the wrong kind of toothpaste, avoiding gum disease, and maintaining good oral hygiene.

This is especially important if you have an active lifestyle or suffer from diabetes, cardiovascular issues, or any number of other health conditions that can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Don’t wait until the problem gets out of hand. Take care of your teeth and gums today and make a healthy smile!

Natural Solution for Gum Problems

Further Readings

Shawn Perez

Meet Shawn Perez, the accomplished author and dental enthusiast behind the engaging content at https://gumbalm.com. With a keen passion for oral health, Shawn brings a wealth of knowledge to his readers, offering insightful tips and expert advice on achieving and maintaining a confident, healthy smile. Dive into Shawn’s articles to discover the latest trends, effective remedies, and practical insights that contribute to overall dental well-being.