How to Treat Extreme Dry Mouth At Night?

Dry mouth

It’s not pleasant to have a dry mouth. Dry mouth impairs your quality of life, most notably your ability to sleep well. Mouth breathing while sleeping is a common cause of extreme dry mouth at night.  As soon as you notice a dry mouth, whether at night or throughout the day, it is critical to take steps to restore moisture. This will assist you in avoiding the dangers of dry mouth. It is crucial to determine the true causes of dry mouth  at night in order to determine the best course of action to take next.

What Dry Mouth(Xerostomia) Feels Like?

Some people may suffer from the extreme dry mouth at night, especially if they smoke. This could be due to natural changes in the amount of saliva produced by the body, but it could also be caused by certain medical disorders. “Xerostomia” is the medical name for having a dry mouth, an unpleasant condition that can impair a person’s perception of taste and increase their chance of acquiring dental cavities.

What Dry Mouth(Xerostomia) Feels Like?

A dry mouth arises when your salivary glands do not create enough saliva to keep your mouth wet, resulting in a lack of saliva in your mouth. Hyposalivation is the term used to describe this condition of decreased saliva production. Saliva helps in lowering the amounts of acid and bacteria in the mouth, which can lead to problems such as tooth decay and gum disease, as well as bad breath and poor taste in the mouth.

Saliva is extremely beneficial to your health because it contains the components which destroy bacteria, keep your mouth clean and aids in the removal of food particles from your mouth. You may experience various symptoms and dangers due to the bacteria that accumulate in your mouth when you do not produce enough saliva.

What Is The Purpose Of Saliva?

Saliva can be utilized to prevent dental decay and to enhance your sense of taste. When you’re lacking in saliva, this might be quite aggravating! This can have an adverse effect on your teeth, gums, and appetite, as well as impair your appetite.

Bacteria can cause tooth decay, bacterial infections, and tooth loss if there is little saliva. Similarly, saliva production contributes to breath freshness. Bacteriological particles lodged in the throat may induce shortness of breath.

If you have a swelling throat and a dry mouth at night, you may have sleep-associated xerostomia. When one wakes up in the middle of the night, water is usually the first thing that comes to mind.

Sleep Related Dry Mouth

Saliva production may increase when you are sleeping, but it will decrease when you wake up. An disruption in the circadian cycle can explain slowed saliva production at night. While sleeping, rhythm-based muscling muscles are active, such as inhaling salivary secretions or swallowing.

Signs And Symptoms Of Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)

Dry mouth symptoms  can differ  from one person to the next. The  most common symptoms of dry mouth include:

  • Dryness.
  • You have a sticky feeling in your mouth.
  • Thick saliva.
  • Bad breath.
  • Hoarseness (dry or sore throat).
  • If you feel difficulty chewing food, speaking and swallowing.
  • Stringy saliva.
  • cracked lips
  • Grooves on the tongue.
  • sore throat or irritation.
  • Food that has an unpleasant taste or has changed in flavor.
  • Dry tongue.
  • tooth decay
  • When wearing dentures, there is a lot of distress.

Common Causes Of Extreme Dry Mouth At Night

Identifying the source of your dry mouth may assist you in determining the best way to treat it and prevent it from reoccurring. Listed below are some potential causes of dry mouth at night.


It is possible to get dehydrated when you drink less water than your body expels, whether by urine, sweat, or other methods. If you find yourself waking up thirsty in the middle of the night or experiencing dry mouth when you wake up, you may be suffering from dehydration.

 It is necessary to drink water on a regular basis during the night. The sensation of waking up because you can’t get a breath through your mouth  because it’s too dried out.


Adverse Effects Of Medication

As a side effect of certain  medications, dry mouth (xerostomia) can occur. This is due to the fact that many medicines have an adverse influence on saliva production. According to the American Dental Association, more than 500 different types of medications might cause dry mouth and other symptoms.

When taking drugs at night, those who suffer may notice their dry mouth symptoms intensify at night. Consult your pharmacist about the medications you are currently taking to determine if dry mouth is a side effect and possible substitutes. Oral health is the doorway to overall bodily health.

Some medications, such as the following, might induce dry mouth:

  • Antidepressants
  • Blood pressure-lowering drugs or antihypertensives.
  • Antihistamines
  • Diuretics
  • Some muscle relaxants
  • Some of the medicines used to treat glaucoma
  • Some of the medications used to treat dementia or Parkinson’s disease
  • Few asthma medications
  • Chemotherapy
  • Side effects of different medical conditions and radiation therapy. (Radiation to the head and neck can cause damage to the salivary glands, resulting in a significant decrease in saliva production.)


In certain cases, the dry mouth appears as a symptom of or in conjunction with another physical health conditions.

Sjogren’s Syndrome

Sjogren’s syndrome is an autoimmune condition characterized by dry mouth as its main symptoms. During the diagnosis of Sjogren’s syndrome, doctors frequently monitor saliva output and examine the salivary glands for abnormalities.

Sjogren's Syndrome:

Sjogren’s syndrome is characterized by dry mouth and dry eyes, among other symptoms. Other regions of the body may experience dryness on a less frequent basis.

Other Severe Diseases Causes Dry Mouth

Dry mouth can be caused by various other illnesses and medical issues. Some of these ailments are as follows:

  • Hepatitis C
  • High blood
  • Pressure
  • Coronavirus
  • Disease
  • Sleep apnea
  • Clogged nasal passages
  • passages
  • Diabetes
  • Dry mouth can occur as a result of an injury or surgery that causes nerve damage in the head and neck area.


In response to the toxins in cigarette smoke, cigarette smokers generate less saliva than non-smokers, increasing the number of dry mouth incidents.



Older folks are more likely than younger adults to experience dry mouth. Some speculate that this is related to an increase in drugs that induce dry mouth.

How To Prevent Dry Mouth At Night?

It can be frustrating when you’re having trouble sleeping because of a dry mouth. The good news is that there are a variety of remedies available to assist you to overcome dry mouth at night, including the following:

  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.
  • Apply a moisturizing spray to your dry mouth.
  • Make use of medically reviewed fluoride-containing toothpaste.
  • Quit smoking
  • Make use of an oral rinse for dry mouth.
  • Avoid using illegal drugs for recreational purposes.
  • Before going to bed, stay away from spicy and acidic foods.
  • Consume alcohol in moderation.
  • use sugar free gum to keep your mouth moist.

Speak with your pharmacist about the prescription and over-the-counter medications you regularly take to learn more about side effects and potential medication modifications if dry mouth persists after talking with them.

When Should I See A Doctor?

When home treatments fail to alleviate the symptoms of the ailment, consulting with a doctor for medical advice may be beneficial. If you are at risk of contracting HIV, you should get tested as soon as possible. If you are experiencing severe pain or tooth problems, you should consult a dentist.

The source of your symptoms may necessitate a recommendation from your doctor for a treatment plan that is suited for your needs. Your doctor may prescribe a medication that promotes blood circulation or that relieves dryness in your mouth. If you experience any negative side effects, please contact your doctor for advice diagnosis or treatment right away.


Extreme dry mouth at night might be caused by a normal decrease in saliva production that occurs during the night.In certain cases, dry mouth during the night can be caused by an acute illness or a medical problem that is not immediately apparent. Dry mouth can also be exacerbated by snoring and breathing with your mouth open. If dry mouth causes pain or discomfort or interferes with sleep or one’s overall sense of well-being, it is recommended that people contact a doctor. A doctor will seek to determine the source of the dry mouth and will make recommendations for appropriate treatments to alleviate the condition.

Natural Remedy for extreme dry mouth at night

Further Reading




Shawn Perez

Meet Shawn Perez, the accomplished author and dental enthusiast behind the engaging content at With a keen passion for oral health, Shawn brings a wealth of knowledge to his readers, offering insightful tips and expert advice on achieving and maintaining a confident, healthy smile. Dive into Shawn’s articles to discover the latest trends, effective remedies, and practical insights that contribute to overall dental well-being.