Stop Receding Gums Naturally : Expert Tips and Home Remedies

Stop receding gums naturally

Receding gums cause a great problem. When a person’s teeth recede to the point where tooth roots are exposed, it is an oral health concern. It raises the risk of decay, infection, and loss. As a result, if your gums are receding or if a dental expert has mentioned it to you, it’s time to get help. In this article we will discuss how to stop receding gums naturally at home.

Understanding Receding Gums

Gum recession is the deterioration of gum tissue surrounding teeth, or the pulling back of that gum tissue, revealing more of the tooth’s root. Gums recede when pockets form between teeth and gum line, allowing germs to accumulate. This is the number one cause of gum disease. Gum recession causes bleeding, bad breath, and pain. It can cause bone loss or tooth loss. After many years, the teeth become loose and may even fall out.

stop receding gums naturally

Receding Gums Behind Bottom Front Teeth

Receding gums behind the bottom front teeth can be a concerning oral health issue. This condition, known as gingival recession, involves the gums pulling away from the teeth, leaving the tooth roots exposed. It’s often characterized by sensitivity, noticeable gaps between the teeth and gums, or even visible changes in the tooth length. Factors like aggressive brushing, gum disease, genetic predisposition, or poor dental care can contribute to this problem.

Dealing with Receding Gums:

Addressing receding gums behind the bottom front teeth requires timely intervention. It’s crucial to consult a dentist to evaluate the extent of recession and identify contributing factors. Practicing gentle oral hygiene, using soft-bristled brushes, and opting for specialized dental treatments like scaling or gum grafting can help manage the condition. Early detection and proper care play pivotal roles in preventing further gum recession and maintaining overall oral health.

Lifestyle Adjustments for Gum Health Improvement

There are many methods for fixing receding gums. One option is to start brushing and flossing with a manual toothbrush and using a fluoride mouthwash. Proper brushing techniques are very necessary to treat gum diseases. Another option is to eat a healthy diet.

Suggestions for fixing receding gums:

Stop smoking. Smoking increases the risk of gum disease. If your teeth become loose, they can cause your gums to pull back with them. Quitting smoking is very necessary for healthy gums.

quit smoking

Avoid sugary drinks and snacks. A diet full of sugary drinks and snacks will increase the chances of developing periodontitis (gum disease). Periodontitis can lead to permanent tooth loss.

avoid sugary food

Use sensitive toothpaste for your teeth. People with sensitive teeth may also get cavities more often because their enamel can wear down easier when they brush or floss their teeth. Flossing fight with gum diseases and remove particles of food stuck in to mouth.

If you are between ages 18 and 35, stop smoking if you smoke or chewing tobacco or taking smokeless products. Bacteria cause gum disease. Your body can fight these bacteria for between 18 and 35 years. After this period, your immune system may no longer be able to fight the disease on its own.

Eat Balanced Diet

Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamin C, A, D, and calcium because those nutrients rebuild tissues in the mouth, including those that hold teeth in your mouth. Proper nutrition for gum health is very necessary.

balanced diet

Stop Receding Gums Naturally: Home Care Practices

There are many natural remedies gum recession. These include consuming healthier foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, chewing sugarless gum for 30 minutes after each meal, flossing daily with a moistened toothbrush, using dental products to control tooth decay, and scaling the tongue. Take calcium and vitamin D-rich meals, such as green leafy vegetables (broccoli) and dairy products like yogurt and cheese.

Chewing sugarless gum for 30 minutes after each meal may help to strengthen the gums while reducing plaque buildup on teeth. Chewing sugarless gum encourages constant stimulation between the inside of the mouth and tongue, which helps prevent bacteria from building up in various regions of the mouth.

Flossing daily with a moistened toothbrush is advisable to clean out food particles stuck between teeth when brushing isn’t possible. Using dental products to control tooth decay, such as fluoride and whitening agents, can be beneficial for those who refuse to consume healthier remedies. Scaling the tongue with a toothbrush helps eliminate harmful bacteria that may cause plaque buildup and gum disease.

Effective Natural Remedies for Receding Gums

Natural remedies can promote healthy circulation to your gums and increase the amount of oxygen in your body. These two benefits will fix receding gum because when there’s poor circulation or not enough oxygen, blood can’t get to all areas of our body (including our gums).

Natural remedies can prevent receding gums (and even reverse it, in most cases).But there are also cases where the problem is too advanced, and only a dental procedure could fix it. In general, natural remedies work well for small problems, but severe cases need professional treatment from a dentist.

Natural Remedies Reverse Receding Gums

Here are some remedies to stop receding gums naturally:

Oil Pulling to fix Receding Gums

Oil pulling or oil swishing is a traditional remedy used in Ayurvedic medicine for detoxification and oral health care. It’s a simple process of swishing oil in the mouth for 10-20 minutes, and it has become an extremely popular natural remedy. Not only does it detoxify the mouth and kill off excess bacteria, but it also works to whiten your teeth and fix receding gums by strengthening gums and promoting new cell growth.

oil pulling


Neem contains antimicrobial agents that help treat many common gum problems such as bleeding, inflammation, and swelling caused by gum disease. This helps heal receding gums naturally. Neem contains tannins that are beneficial for dental health, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium manganese complex group, and vitamin K. It contains compounds that reduce the microbial load in the mouth, which helps stop receding gums.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide is effective in fixing receding gums. Dentists recommend that people use hydrogen peroxide once a week to help keep their teeth healthy.

It is suggested to use it 15 minutes after brushing your teeth before going to bed. It is more convenient to leave the hydrogen peroxide in the mouth for a few minutes after brushing, but if you do this, it is important not to swallow some of the mix as it is harmless enough on its own but could cause some issues when swallowed.

Turmeric gel

Turmeric gel can be used to fix receding gums. It contains a chemical called curcumin that inhibits the growth of inflammatory cytokines. Curcumin also possesses antibacterial properties. It can be used in home remedies to treat gum disease. Turmeric gel contains curcumin, which possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps a lot to heal your receding gums.

Turmeric gel must be applied to the gums two times a day. The procedure should continue daily for a month or even longer if necessary to treat gum disease better. Furthermore, brushing teeth with turmeric powder is highly beneficial for people with gum disorders. A mixture of equal amounts of cinnamon and turmeric powder may also be used as toothpaste to get rid of inflammation and heal receding gums. You can make your own herbal remedy by grinding the turmeric into powder and then adding it to a paste with some water.

turmeric gel

Aloe Vera to fix receding gums

One home remedy for receding gums is aloe vera. Aloe vera contains an enzyme called lipase that breaks down fat deposits, which can accumulate in your mouth and lead to gum recession. Aloe vera will reduce gum inflammation, resulting in less receded gums. You can also use it daily as a mouthwash to achieve the same results, and you can even try aloe vera juice.

aloe vera gel

Apple Cider Vinegar

Another natural remedy for receding gums is apple cider vinegar (ACV). ACV contains malic acid that kills bacteria, reduces inflammation, and eliminates plaque. In addition, it alters the pH levels in your mouth so that harmful bacteria cannot thrive. To use ACV for gum health, rinse your mouth with water after drinking an ACV beverage before brushing your teeth to remove any remaining pieces of fruit from your teeth. Once a day, swish 1 teaspoon of ACV mixed with 10 ounces of water before spitting it out.

apple cider vinegar

There are many natural remedies to fix receding gums. They range from using a simple toothbrush, flossing your teeth regularly, or brushing with coconut oil before bedtime. You could also try using an over-the-counter medication, Listerine, clinically proven to help reduce gum recession. Remember, it’s important not just to stop the process but prevent further damage as well! These all are the natural remedies to treat receding gums naturally.

End Note

In conclusion, addressing receding gums naturally is possible with the right approach and consistent efforts. By incorporating effective natural remedies, herbal solutions, dietary changes, and lifestyle adjustments, individuals can halt gum recession and promote gum regrowth. Adopting proper home care practices and exploring mind-body techniques can further support gum health improvement. For those seeking reliable natural solutions, Nature’s Smile oral care products offer a range of gentle yet effective products to support gum regeneration and maintain optimal oral health. Take action today and embrace natural methods to stop receding gums with Nature’s Smile oral care products.

Shawn Perez

Meet Shawn Perez, the accomplished author and dental enthusiast behind the engaging content at With a keen passion for oral health, Shawn brings a wealth of knowledge to his readers, offering insightful tips and expert advice on achieving and maintaining a confident, healthy smile. Dive into Shawn’s articles to discover the latest trends, effective remedies, and practical insights that contribute to overall dental well-being.