From Mild To Severe: A Comprehensive Guide To Gums Recession Stages

Gums Recession Stages – What Causes It?

You’ve probably heard that you should be taking care of your teeth and gums. But, how does one know when they’re in “the gum recession phase?” That’s what this blog post will help you figure out. I will talk about the four stages of receding gums, including the causes, the symptoms, and how to fix them. In this article we will discuss gums recession stages.


Receding gums is a condition that causes gum tissues to shrink or pull away from the teeth. As a result, the tissue can start to poke through, exposing the tooth beneath. You’ve probably heard of some of the health conditions that cause the gum to recede, including stress, poor oral hygiene, smoking, and even genetics. But did you know that certain habits, foods, and even sleep patterns can also contribute to receding gums? If you’re worried about receding gums, here are the most common receding gums symptoms and causes of this condition and its stages:

Causes of Gums Recede

Poor dental hygiene

While we’ve all heard the old saying, “dental hygiene is the key to good health,” there are many more health reasons why you have receding gums. While some of these reasons are avoidable, others are beyond your control.

Poor dental hygiene

“It’s the same reason we should brush our teeth, floss, and visit the periodontitis,” says Dr. DePorter. “Brushing teeth keeps bacteria away from the gums and reduces inflammation. Tooth brushing and flossing reduce plaque and food debris, and both also make a difference in your breath.”


“The gum recession is caused by a lack of blood circulation, usually due to a disease called diabetes,” says periodontitis Michael Arone, a periodontist in New York City. But how can you determine if your gum is receding? “If your gum seem thinner and more translucent, and when you press your tongue against them, they’re more sensitive, then you probably have receding gums,” says periodontitis Arone. “If they’re not that translucent or if you don’t have any sensitivity to them at all, you probably don’t have gum recession.”

Poor Diet

If your teeth are in good shape, you can eat anything. Your teeth are like little sponges: if your diet contains the proper amount of calcium and vitamins, they won’t need much attention. If your diet doesn’t have enough calcium and vitamins, your teeth will grow and need regular maintenance. The same is true for gum recession: it’s important to eat a healthy diet, but if it’s too low in calcium, your gums will recede.

When periodontitis tells you that your gums are in bad shape, the first necessary thing to do is start focusing on your health. The best way to cure gum disease is by reducing sugar intake. A diet high in refined sugar will cause bacterial infections to thrive and form plaque that can eventually lead to diseases or other health problems.

Poor Diet

Braces Problems

It’s no secret that braces can cause a lot of discomfort and pain, but one of the most overlooked side effects is the possibility of receding gums. It’s estimated that 60 percent of all patients wearing braces will experience some level of gum recession or plaque formation throughout treatment, often caused by a combination of orthodontic appliances and the increased strain placed on the teeth and jaw.

As the teeth begin to move and the bones around the teeth begin to remodel, the gum begins to shrink. Gums that are pushed away from the teeth have less support and are more likely to recede. This can lead to oral problems such as bad breath, bleeding gums and teeth, plaque formation, and sensitivity.


If you have teeth clenching or grinding at night, it’s most likely caused by bruxism. A bruxist grinds and clamps their teeth or grinds their molars together. This causes tooth enamel to wear down and eventually break down, leading to small holes. Eventually, these holes will cause the gum to recede. Bruxism can be extremely uncomfortable and may result in tooth sensitivity, plaque formation in gum, sore gums, and teeth that no longer look even.


Gums Recession Stages

1: Healthy Gums Stage

This is the stage where you may have noticed some small amount of bleeding at the base of your teeth. The gums are still healthy enough to remain pink in color in this stage.

Another thing to watch out for is bad breath. The first sign of gum recession is that you will begin to notice a foul odor around your mouth. This is a good way to determine if you are suffering from receding gums.

2: Gingivitis

In the second sign, the gums recede, start to spread, and more pockets are being affected. The white pocket of the gum tissue will start to darken, and the inflammation will begin to spread to other areas of the gum. This is often the most painful and irritating phase of the disease. Symptoms include pain, gum sensitivity, plaque formation and bleeding from the gum.

3: Mucosal Recession

While the recessionary phases of a gum recession have already begun, the most critical time to stop the recession is stage 3, “mucosal recession.” At this point, there are often a few factors that will determine whether or not a patient’s gum recession can be stopped. One factor is the amount of bone loss.

Mucosal Recession

A patient experiencing a gum recession will have lost bone in the area of the recession. This is the first time that bone loss has been experienced in this patient, as bone loss typically occurs over the years before becoming clinically detectable. Another important factor is the stage of the recession.

If a patient’s recession is in the advanced stages, the most likely outcome will be continued progression. This is since the soft tissue in this area has already been lost. Therefore, your treatment plan must be designed with the patient’s recession stage in mind.

4: Intra-Oral Abscess

The intra-oral abscess, also known as periapical gum abscess, is a collection of pus in the tooth root tissues. Intra-oral abscesses are typically caused by a dental infection or irritation of the gum tissue or teeth. Although many intra-oral abscesses can be treated using non-surgical methods, if left untreated, they can spread to other areas of the mouth and cause serious complications. The first sign of a periapical abscess is usually swelling or redness of the gum tissue around the affected area of the teeth.

Gums Recession Stages Treatment Options


Dental bleaching – bleaching involves applying a gel that is slightly acidic to the teeth. Over time, the gel will lighten up the color of the tooth. A whitening paste can also be used.


Dental Scaling and Root Planning – this treatment aims to remove tartar buildup from the root surfaces of teeth. It also helps remove dead tissue and bacteria. The teeth are then treated with a fluoride gel, usually done by periodontitis.


Laser Treatment

Lasers have been used in dentistry since the 1960s. They help remove plaque and tartar from the surfaces of teeth, laser beams help break down the hardened deposits on the teeth. Other uses of lasers include cutting hardening tissue, removing tooth decay, treating bleeding gum, and treating gum disease.

Gingivoplasty: The least invasive procedure for gum receding

You can treat gum recession by “Gingivoplasty,” one of the most successful cosmetic surgeries of all time. In fact, it’s been used on celebrities such as Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe. The procedure is done by taking a piece of gum, shaping it and placing it over the receded gums. Once placed, the gum forms a new tissue over the gum recession, resulting in a more youthful appearance. This surgery takes about 20-30 minutes, is fairly simple, and requires no stitches.

Prevent Gum Recession By Home Remedies

It’s never too late to get started on your home remedies. In fact, if you’re suffering from gingival recession, these natural home remedies can help you treat the condition in a way that will prevent gum recession from spreading to other parts of the mouth. Here’s what you need to know about the various home remedies for gingivitis.

Try tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has been used to treat gum disease, including gingivitis and periodontal disease, since the late 19th century. Research has shown that tea tree oil can help reduce inflammation and promote healing and the growth of new cells in the gums. It may also help prevent tooth decay and slow the formation of plaque. Tea tree oil is a natural antimicrobial agent that helps prevent bacterial growth, helping to prevent gum disease.

Try tea tree oil

Aloe Vera Gel

Many people are familiar with the use of aloe vera gel in home remedies for minor cuts and wounds, but did you know that it is also an effective treatment for gums recession? The problem with many other traditional remedies for gums recession is that they don’t actually help the gum tissue heal—instead, they just make the gums smaller. On the other hand, Aloe vera gel is packed full of vitamins, enzymes, and nutrients that promote healing and help strengthen gum tissue surrounding, so it’s definitely worth trying.

Baking soda

Another way to get rid of gingivitis and gum recession is to use baking soda paste to help fight off the bacteria and inflammation. You can make your own baking soda paste by mixing equal toothpaste and baking soda parts. After you brush your teeth, simply scrape the toothpaste mixture into a clean container and allow it to sit for 5 minutes. Next, mix the two together, and you have a paste. Brush your teeth with it every morning for 10-15 days.


Gum disease is one of the most common causes of tooth loss and significantly impacts the quality of life. In fact, according to research, people who don’t brush their teeth are more likely to suffer from periodontal disease than those who brush twice a day. The good news is that gum disease is preventable, and you can start to take steps to stop it. If you’re concerned about the condition of your gums, visit your dentist to get a thorough checkup. You can also start brushing your teeth twice daily to prevent gum disease. It may feel like a lot of work, but this is an investment in your teeth that will pay off in the future.

natures smile for gum problems

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Shawn Perez

Meet Shawn Perez, the accomplished author and dental enthusiast behind the engaging content at With a keen passion for oral health, Shawn brings a wealth of knowledge to his readers, offering insightful tips and expert advice on achieving and maintaining a confident, healthy smile. Dive into Shawn’s articles to discover the latest trends, effective remedies, and practical insights that contribute to overall dental well-being.